The Summit House Thursday Bluegrass Series will present mountain bluegrass favorite Hidden Still (Palo Alto) on January 19, 2017.
The FREE show will run 6:00-8:30pm at the Summit House Beer Garden & Grill six miles south of Los Gatos on Highway 17 high in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
The series is presented by the Summit House and welcomed by the Northern California Bluegrass Society.
There will be plenty of good bluegrass music all around Northern California for the Martin Luther King Weekend holiday week. NCBS Members will be out having a great time and you are welcome to join us!
THURSDAY-SUNDAY, January 12-15
CBA Great 48 (With concert by Edgar Loudermilk Band), Marriott Convention Center, Bakersfield.
FRIDAY, January 13
Hilltown, Pajaro Bar & Grill, Salinas.
Sourdough Slim
Sourdough Slim, The Sequoias, Potola Valley.
SATURDAY, January 14
Harmony Grits, San Gregorio General Store, San Gregorio.
Leftover Salmon, Dead Winter Carpenters, The Fillmore, San Francisco.
Evie Ladin & Lisa Berman, Kuumbwa Jazz Center, Santa Cruz.
SUNDAY, January 15
Circle R Boys, San Gregorio General Store, San Gregorio.
The Coffis Brothers, Sweetwater Music Hall, Mill Valley.
Bean Creek, Phil’s Fish Market, Moss Landing.
Windy Hill, Amnesia, San Francisco.
Leftover Salmon, Sierra Nevada Brewing Company, Chico.
TUESDAY, January 17
Cabin Fever, Sam’s BBQ, San Jose.
Glad To Be Here, Phil’s Fish Market, Moss Landing.
Donations to assist spring 2017 students for the Northern California Bluegrass Society Walker Creek Music Camp Scholarship Fund are now being accepted. The Spring Camp will be held April 7-10 at the Walker Creek Ranch near Petaluma.
Donations can be sent to:
Northern California Bluegrass Society/Santa Cruz Bluegrass Society
PO Box 390846
Mountain View, CA 94039-0846
Attn: NCBS Walker Creek Music Camp Scholarship Fund
The Northern California Bluegrass Society, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization aka the Santa Cruz Bluegrass Society, accepts donations and disburses scholarships. Donations to the fund are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donors should consult their tax advisors. The Federal Tax ID No. is 94-2907716. Donors who do not need a tax deduction may donate money directly to the camp.
Redwood Bluegrass Associates will present The Peter Rowan Bluegrass Band on Saturday, January 21, 2017. All RBA programs since 1995 have been welcomed by the Northern California Bluegrass Society.
The concert will be presented at the Mountain View Masonic Hall, at 890 Church Street near downtown Mountain View. Concert doors will open at 7:00pm and the concert will begin at 7:30pm. An open co-ed jam hosted by The Handsome Ladies will begin at 5:00pm.
The series has brought bluegrass to the Peninsula & South Bay for 25 years, but plans call for this to be the final concert season.
Save the dates! The Spring Brookdale Bluegrass Festival will be held March 10-11, 2017 at the Mount Cross Camp in Felton. The new venue offers a wide variety of camping and cabin accomodations and excellent facilities. The festival has been held twice a year since 1998.
All Brookdale Bluegrass-presented events are welcomed by the Northern California Bluegrass Society.
The NCBS-Welcomed Thursday Bluegrass Series At The Summit House.The Wildcat Mountain Ramblers
The Summit House Thursday Bluegrass Series presents The Wildcat Mountain Ramblers on January 12, 2017.
The show will take place 6:00-8:30pm at the Summit House Beer Garden & Grill at the top of Highway 17, six miles south of Los Gatos in the beautiful Santa Cruz Mountains.
The FREE program is welcomed by the Northern California Bluegrass Society.
Highway 17 leads to the Summit House and bluegrass music.
The 10th Annual NCBS Bluegrass On Broadway Festival will be held on Friday & Saturday, January 27 & 28 and on Monday, January 30, 2017 at various venues in Redwood City. All events are FREE. Details will be announced soon.
Three Day Reminder:Final Round Ballots from Northern California Bluegrass Society Members for the 2017 Northern California Bluegrass Awards are due this Saturday, January 7, 2017.