The Summit House Thursday Bluegrass Series at the top of Highway 17, 6 miles south of Los Gatos will continue in December.
Here are the first two shows for the month:
1 — The Goat Hill Girls
8 — Wildcat Mountain Ramblers
Music will run 6:00-8:30pm in a program welcomed by the Northern California Bluegrass Society and presented by the Summit House Beer Garden & Grill, 23123 Santa Cruz Highway, Los Gatos 95033. Excellent food and drink will be served during the performance.
The Brookdale Bluegrass Winter Gathering for 2016 has been moved back into November, so the December listing is short this year — one NCBS-welcomed FREE Friday evening gathering with beer, one internet event and one folk-oriented campout. Enjoy!
The Northern California Bluegrass Society will welcome the 2016 Brookdale Bluegrass Winter Festival to Don Quixote’s in Felton on Sunday evening, November 27. See you there!
Five Week Reminder:Main Stage Band Applications for the 2017 Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival are due on December 31, 2016. The 24th annual festival is set for August 10-13, 2017.
The Devil’s Canyon Brewing Company’s Holiday Hootenanny is set for Friday, December 16, 2016 in San Carlos. The FREE gathering is welcomed by the Northern California Bluegrass Society. Good food and beer will be available.
After the eating and the shopping, there will be plenty of bluegrass music all around Northern California during Thanksgiving Week. NCBS Members will be out enjoying these shows and you are welcome to join in! Here are the Monday-Monday listings:
The Devil’s Canyon Brewing Company has announced the performance schedule for the FREE December 16, 2016 Holiday Hootenanny at 935 Washington Street in San Carlos:
FRIDAY, December 16
4:00pm — Doors open
5:30 — Nate Jones & Sloe Sippers
6:45 — Mountain Men Collective
8:00 — Stoney Mountain Ramblers
9:15 — Pathetic Honey
10:30 — All-Star Jam
11:00 — Hootenanny ends
Good food and drink will be available.
The Hootenanny is organized by Scott Dailey and welcomed by the Northern California Bluegrass Society.