Discount Advance Tickets Are Now On Sale For The 25th Annual Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival August 9-12

Discount Advance Tickets are now available on this website and by mail for theĀ Twenty-Fifth Annual Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival to be held at theĀ San Benito County Historical Park inĀ Tres Pinos onĀ August 9-12, 2018.

NCBS Members receive a Deep Discount on advance tickets. Non-Members receive a Discount.

The festival benefiting the year-round work of theĀ Northern California Bluegrass Society was started at Bolado Park inĀ 1994.

NCBS uses the proceeds to further bluegrass music in theĀ San Francisco Bay Area, theĀ Monterey Bay Area and throughoutĀ Northern California.

FREE camping for tents and RVs is included in all multi-day tickets. There will be jamming, childrenā€™s activities, open mike stage, shade over the audience area, food & drink, late night shows, a raffle, the annual NCBS elections, and much more!

Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival Set For Tres Pinos August 9-12, 2018

TheĀ Twenty-Fifth Annual Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival will be held at theĀ San Benito County Historical Park inĀ Tres Pinos (7 miles south of Hollister) for the third time onĀ August 9-12, 2018.

The festival benefiting the year-round work of theĀ Northern California Bluegrass Society was started inĀ 1994. NCBS uses the proceeds to further bluegrass music in theĀ San Francisco Bay Area, theĀ Monterey Bay Area and throughoutĀ Northern California.

Free RV & tent camping is included in multi-day tickets. There will be jamming, childrenā€™s activities, open mike stage, shade over the audience area, food & drink, late night shows, a raffle, the annual NCBS elections, and more.

Discount advance tickets will soon be available on this website.

Twenty-Fifth Annual Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival Set For August 9-12 In Tres Pinos

TheĀ Twenty-Fifth Annual Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival will be held at theĀ San Benito County Historical Park in Tres Pinos (7 miles south of Hollister) for the third time onĀ August 9-12, 2018.

The festival benefiting the year-round work of the Northern California Bluegrass Society was started inĀ 1994. NCBS uses the proceeds to further bluegrass music in theĀ San Francisco Bay Area, theĀ Monterey Bay Area and throughoutĀ Northern California.

Free RV & tent camping is included in multi-day tickets. There will be jamming, childrenā€™s activities, open mike stage, shade over the audience area, food & drink, late night shows, a raffle, the annual NCBS elections, and more.

Discount advance tickets will soon be available on this website.

Late Night Shows Announced For August 9-12 Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival

The Northern California Bluegrass Society has announced the Late Night Shows for the August 9-12, 2018 Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival.

FRIDAY, August 10


SATURDAY, August 11

The Town Howlers

The expanded 10:00pm performances in the San Benito County Historical ParkĀ Dance Hall are a feature of the historic 25th Annual festival, which also features open mikes and widespread camp jamming.

NCBS Announces The Band Line-Up For The 25th Annual Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival

The Northern California Bluegrass Society has announced the band line-up for the 25th Annual Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival, set for August 9-12, 2018 at the San Benito County Historical Park in Tres Pinos:

Bean Creek

Blue Summit

Bodie 601 Band

Brookdale Bluegrass Band

Dark Hollow

Faux Renwah

Goat Hill Girls


Highway One

High Water Line


Kids On Stage


Lucky Drive Bluegrass Band

North Country Blue

Red Dog Ash

Rogue River

Sidesaddle & Co

Snap Jackson & The Knock On Wood Players

Stoney Mountain Ramblers

The Hossettes

The Jones Gang

The Quitters

Town Howlers

Wildcat Mountain Ramblers

The NCBS Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival Began In 1994 And Turns 25 This August

Jamming is a popular activity at the GOF!

The Northern California Bluegrass Society’s Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival will be held at the lovelyĀ San Benito County Historical Park onĀ August 9-12, 2018.

The festival in the tiny community ofĀ Tres Pinos was started in 1994 and turns 25 Years Old this year!

The fun, friendly event features top California bluegrass bands.

The event benefits the year-round work of theĀ NCBS in promoting bluegrass music in theĀ San Francisco Bay Area, theĀ Monterey Bay Area and throughoutĀ Northern California. Free RV & tent camping is included in multi-day tickets. There will be jamming, childrenā€™s activities, open mike stage, shade over the audience area, food & drink, late night shows, a raffle, the annual NCBS elections, and more.

Discount tickets will soon be available on this website.

San Benito County Historical Park Will Host 25th Annual Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival

Welcome to the San Benito County Historical Park in Tres Pinos (7 miles south of Hollister).

TheĀ 25th Annual Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival will be held at the lovelyĀ San Benito County Historical Park onĀ August 9-12, 2018.

The festival in the tiny community ofĀ Tres Pinos is a showcase of top California bluegrass bands. Discount tickets will soon be available on this website.

The event benefits the year-round work of theĀ Northern California Bluegrass Society in promoting bluegrass music in theĀ San Francisco Bay Area, theĀ Monterey Bay Area and throughoutĀ Northern California.

Free RV & tent camping is included in multi-day tickets. There will be jamming, childrenā€™s activities, open mike stage, shade over the audience area, food & drink, and late night shows.

History This Summer: 25th Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival Is August 9-12

History This Summer: TheĀ 25th Annual Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival will be held August 9-12, 2018.

The festival at theĀ San Benito County Historical Park inĀ Tres Pinos is a showcase of top California bluegrass bands.

The event benefits the year-round work of the Northern California Bluegrass Society in promoting bluegrass music in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Monterey Bay Area and throughout Northern California.

Free camping for tents and RVs is included in all multi-day tickets. There will be jamming, children’s activities, an open mike stage, shade over the audience area, food & drink, late night shows, and all of your friends will be there!

Discount tickets will soon be available on this website.

Plan Now To Attend The 25th Annual Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival In Tres Pinos August 9-12

TheĀ 25th Annual Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival, presented by theĀ Northern California Bluegrass Society, will be heldĀ Thursday-Sunday, August 9-12, 2018, at theĀ San Benito County Historical Park inĀ Tres Pinos (7 miles south of Hollister).

The festival is a showcase of top California bluegrass bands and a fun, friendly opportunity to enjoy jamming and socializing with your friends. Free camping for tents and RVs is included in all multi-day tickets.

New This Year: Two indoor late night shows on Friday and Saturday will be held in the dance hall at the park’s historic village. Stay tuned for the news of an upgrade in onsite concessions. In addition, electric service at the venue has been expanded and street improvements have been made.

The Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival turns 25 this year!