A Main Intersection Leading To Hollister & GOF Location Set For Improvement

The intersection of Highways 101 and 25 in southern Gilroy will be dramatically improved, taking care of a traffic snafu on the way to Hollister from the San Francisco Bay Area. The NCBS Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival is held each August in Tres Pinos, 7 miles south of Hollister on Highway 25.

The project will be done in phases over a decade with Phase One starting in approximately Fall 2024. The initial work will significantly improve the interchange’s traffic flow to and from the festival location. Later work will further expand highway capacity on both 101 and 25 and will extend Highway 25 to the west. Many sections on the route to the festival have already been upgraded.

The current two-lane bridge over 101 was considered a temporary safety measure when in was built in 1988. Its purpose was to prevent southbound left turns from 101 to 25 across northbound traffic but is now overwhelmed by current traffic volume.

Plan To Enjoy The Good Old Fashioned Kids Place At The 2024 GOF Festival!

The Good Old Fashioned Kids Place will return to the Historic 30th GOF Festival August 8-11, 2024 at the San Benito County Historical Park in Tres Pinos.
Come one! Come all! All ages are welcome at the Kids Place!
We’ll have frisbee golf, corn hole, horseshoes, bubbles, parachutes and a scavenger hunt or two! Arts and crafts, dolls and Barbies, trucks, blocks and rock painting too! Cuddle up in the reading tent with a good book and a stuffie! You can find us in the back of the Music Meadow.
The orange ‘fenced in area’ is open 24 hours a day as long as you provide a parent or adult (Just clean up when you leave). Guided activities led by Caterpillar, Penguins and Froggie will be Friday 11:00am-3:00pm, Saturday 10:00am-12:00pm and 2:00-4:00pm, and Sunday 10:00am-12:00pm.
Can’t wait to see you!
Thank you!! — Becky Collins