Brookdale Bluegrass Festival Moves To Mt Cross Camp In Felton March 10-11

Mt Cross Amphitheatre

Save the dates! The Spring Brookdale Bluegrass Festival will be held March 10-11, 2017 at the Mount Cross Camp in Felton. The new venue offers a wide variety of camping and cabin accomodations and excellent facilities. The festival has been held twice a year since 1998.

All Brookdale Bluegrass-presented events are welcomed by the Northern California Bluegrass Society.

Festival information will be announced soon.

DamDave & The Left Hand Band Set For Brookdale Winter Gathering This Sunday In Felton

Damdave Gillett of the Left Hand Band

DamDave & The Left Hand Band will perform at the 2016 Brookdale Winter Gathering on Sunday, November 27 at 7:00pm.

The line-up also includes the headliner Freebo and host band The Brookdale Bluegrass Band.

The program will be held at Don Quixote’s in downtown Felton and will be welcomed by the Northern California Bluegrass Society.

Brookdale Bluegrass Band To Perform At Brookdale Winter Gathering November 27 In Felton

The Brookdale Bluegrass Band will perform at the 2016 Brookdale Winter Gathering on Sunday, November 27.

The 7:00pm show line-up also includes Freebo and DamDave & The Left Hand Band.

The program will be held at Don Quixote’s in downtown Felton and will be welcomed by the Northern California Bluegrass Society.

Eric Burman of the Brookdale Bluegrass Band

Brookdale Winter Gathering Is Set For Sunday, November 27 At Don Quixote’s In Felton

The 2016 Brookdale Winter Gathering will be presented on Sunday, November 27 by Brookdale Bluegrass.

The 7:00pm program will include Freebo, the Brookdale Bluegrass Band, and DamDave & The Left Hand Band.

The show will be held at Don Quixote’s in Felton and will be welcomed by the Northern California Bluegrass Society.

More information will be announced soon.

Brookdale Winter Gathering To Feature Freebo At Don Quixote’s In Felton On November 27

The 2016 Brookdale Winter Gathering will feature an appearances by performer Freebo and by the Brookdale Bluegrass Band and DamDave & The Left Hand Band. The program will be held at Don Quixote’s in Felton on Sunday, November 27 at 7:00pm and will be welcomed by the Northern California Bluegrass Society. Details will soon be announced by Brookdale Bluegrass.