Benefit Concert For CBA Pride Parade Entry Set For May 5 At Ashkenaz In Berkeley

Suzy Thompson, Kathy Kallick & Molly Tuttle

TheĀ Northern California Bluegrass Society welcomes the historicĀ California Bluegrass Association Bluegrass Pride Float in theĀ San Francisco LGBTQ Pride Parade on June 25, 2017 in San Francisco.

The parade entry will encourage everyone to enjoy bluegrass music in Northern California. The CBA entry will feature live bluegrass bands playing on the float itself and aĀ Marching Unit Open To Bluegrass Fans of any sexual orientation. A bluegrass jam will follow the parade.

A Benefit Concert with Kathy Kallick, Suzy Thompson & Molly Tuttle will be held at Ashkenaz, 1317 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley at 8:00pm on Friday, May 5 to help raise money for the CBA float.

NCBS Walker Creek Music Camp Scholarship Fund Is Now Accepting Donations For The Fall 2017 Camp

NCBS Walker Creek Music Camp Scholarship Fund

TheĀ Northern California Bluegrass Society Walker Creek Music Camp Scholarship Fund is now accepting donations for the Fall Camp, which will be held September 28-October 1, 2017 at theĀ Walker Creek Ranch nearĀ Petaluma.

Ingrid Noyes runs the camp.Ā Ā Fall Camp Information: Walker Creek Music Camp.

TheĀ Northern California Bluegrass Society, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization aka theĀ Santa Cruz Bluegrass Society, accepts donations and disburses scholarships. Donations to the fund are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donors should consult their tax advisors. The Federal Tax ID No. is 94-2907716. Donors who do not need a tax deduction may donate money directly to the camp.

Donations can be sent to:
Northern California Bluegrass Society/Santa Cruz Bluegrass Society
PO Box 390846
Mountain View, CA 94039-0846
Attn: NCBS Walker Creek Music Camp Scholarship Fund

Redwood City 150th Anniversary Celebration Will Feature Bluegrass Music On Saturday May 20

A FREE bluegrass concert celebrating Redwood City’s 150th Anniversary on Saturday, May 20 with Peninsula favoritesĀ 27strings andĀ The Stoney Mountain Ramblers will be followed by a full afternoon and evening of other music in downtown Redwood City.

The music is welcomed by theĀ Northern California Bluegrass Society. Other music on the Main Street and Courthouse Square Stages will run Noon-8:00pm. The bluegrass show will be in an area where there are many restaurants that have outdoor seating with a view of the stage, in addition to other available seating. This will be a fun place for lunch.

Bluegrass music is on the program because Redwood City is the ā€œPeninsula Home of Bluegrass Musicā€ and supports theĀ NCBS Bluegrass On Broadway Festival each January.

Main Street Stage (on Broadway) May 20:

Noon ā€”Ā 27strings

1:00pm ā€”Ā The Stoney Mountain Ramblers

Last RBA Concert To Be Held In Mountain View On Saturday April 22

Masonic Lodge, Mountain View

Saturday, April 22, 2017 is the final (for now)Ā Redwood Bluegrass Associates concert inĀ Mountain ViewĀ at the Masonic Hall, 890 Church Street.

All RBA programs are welcomed by theĀ Northern California Bluegrass Society.

The “Grand Finale”Ā will presentĀ The Faultliners andĀ 27strings.

A jam will begin atĀ 5:00pm, followed by theĀ 7:30pm concert.

The Wildcat Mountain Ramblers Play On The Mountain This Thursday

The Wildcat Mountain Ramblers at The Summit House.

TheĀ Summit House Beer Garden & Grill Thursday Bluegrass Series will presentĀ The Wildcat Mountain Ramblers thisĀ Thursday, April 13. The FREE weekly series is presented by theĀ Summit HouseĀ and welcomed by theĀ Northern California Bluegrass Society. Music runs fromĀ 6:00-8:30pm with fine food and drink available. TheĀ Summit House is located atĀ 23123 Santa Cruz Highway, Los Gatos on Highway 17.

Here is the music for the rest of the month:


20 ā€”Ā Hidden Still

27 ā€”Ā Blue Summit

The Santa Cruz Bluegrass Fair To Present AJ Lee & Blue Summit On Sunday May 7

AJ Lee & Blue Summit

The newest Santa Cruz bluegrass band — AJ Lee & Blue Summit — will perform at theĀ Santa Cruz Bluegrass Fair, held each May since 1986 at theĀ Duck Pond Stage inĀ San Lorenzo Park (next to the courthouse off of Ocean Avenue).

The FREE, long-running and beloved Santa Cruz Rite Of Spring will be held onĀ SUNDAY, May 7 fromĀ Noon toĀ 6:00pm (note new date.)

The other bands on the program include Bean Creek, The Brookdale Bluegrass Band, The Down Beets, The Harmony Grits, & The Henry & Ella Warde Band.

The bluegrass fair is presented by theĀ Northern California Bluegrass Society/Santa Cruz Bluegrass Society, and is under the direction of volunteer Ona Stewart. Food will be available — or you can bring your own picnic.

NCBS Welcomes Historic California Bluegrass Association Pride Parade Float To San Francisco On June 25

The Northern California Bluegrass Society will welcome the historic California Bluegrass Association Bluegrass Pride Float in the San Francisco LGBTQ Pride Parade on Sunday, June 25, 2017 on Market Street in San Francisco.

The CBA entry will feature live bluegrass bands on the float and a Marching Unit Open To Bluegrass Fans of any sexual orientation. A bluegrass jam will follow the parade.

The purpose of the parade entry is to welcome everyone to enjoy bluegrass music in Northern California.

A Go Fund Me page is raising money to pay for the parade entry.

The CBA float is the world’s first known bluegrass entry in anyĀ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Pride Parade.

Bluegrass Today Coverage

NCBS welcomes the CBA Bluegrass Pride Parade float.

NCBS To Welcome The Pick & Gather Music & Farm Festival On Memorial Day Weekend In Livingston

The Merced River at Riverdance Farms.

TheĀ Northern California Bluegrass Society will welcome theĀ 13th AnnualĀ Pick & Gather Festival presented byĀ Riverdance Farms inĀ Livingston (near Merced) onĀ Saturday, Sunday & Monday, May 27-29, 2017. (Note new Memorial Day Weekend dates.)

The event will feature bluegrass and other live music, camping, fruit in season for picking, good food and information about organic farming, river education, and swimming in the Merced River.

TheĀ Brookdale Bluegrass Band will headline, joined by a full schedule of performers soon to be added.

This is a relaxing weekend of music and organic farm life, far from the Memorial Day crowds.

NCBS Walker Creek Music Camp Scholarship Fund Awards Tuition Assistance To Bluegrass Family For Spring Camp

TheĀ NCBS Walker Creek Music Camp Scholarship Fund has awarded tuition assistance to help a musical family attend theĀ April 7-10, 2017 camp near Petaluma. The NCBS scholarship will assist a 14-year-old boy (mandolin student) to join his 13-year-old sister (fiddle student) and their father (mandolin student) at the camp.

Thanks to the generous donors and to the NCBS committee that manages this project. The fund will soon begin collecting donations to help deserving students who want to attend the Fall 2017 camp, set for the second weekend of October.

Thanks for your support of music education in our area!

A family recital at the Walker Creek Music Camp

The Harmony Grits Return To The Santa Cruz Bluegrass Fair Stage On Sunday May 7

The Harmony Grits

The NCBS/SCBS Bluegrass Fair!

The Harmony Grits will return to theĀ Santa Cruz Bluegrass Fair at theĀ Duck Pond Stage inĀ San Lorenzo Park inĀ Santa Cruz onĀ SUNDAY, May 7 fromĀ Noon toĀ 6:00pm (note new date.)

AJ Lee & Blue Summit, Bean Creek, The Brookdale Bluegrass Band, The Down Beets, & The Henry & Ella Warde Band will also perform on the FREE program.

The bluegrass fair is the longest-running event held by the Northern California Bluegrass Society/Santa Cruz Bluegrass Society, dating back to 1986.