The 24th Annual Northern California Bluegrass Society Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival will be held at the San Benito County Historical Park in Tres Pinos, 7 miles south of Hollister.
The August 10-13, 2017 festival is a showcase of top California bluegrass talent and a small, friendly jamming event held at a beautiful venue.
This will be the second year the gathering will be held at its new historical park home (right next to Bolado Park in the same beautiful valley). Our happy hosts, the San Benito Country Historical Society, offer bluegrass fans more shade, more grass, a picking-friendly historical village, and upgrarded facilities. Additional improvements have been made since last year. This is a great opportunity to check out the new venue if you missed last year.
The GOF also features shade over the audience area, food, hot showers, the NCBS elections, a raffle, nice camping (free with your multi-day ticket), children’s activities, and lots of friendly people. There will be plenty of tickets at the gate.
Thursday at the festival is devoted to jamming ans socializing (beginning at noon when the gates open). Here is the weekend stage schedule:
FRIDAY, August 11
First Stage
Noon — Short Cross Ties
1:00pm — The Beauty Operators
2:00 — Dusty Moon
Main Stage
3:00pm — Nate Jones & The Sloe Sippers
4:00 — Black Eyed Susies
5:00 — Cryin’ Shame
6:00 — Sidetrack
7:00 — Goat Hill Girls
8:00 — Wendy Burch Steel & Redwood
9:00 — Snap Jackson & The Knock On Wood Players
SATURDAY, August 12
10:00am — 35 Years Of Trouble
11:00 — The Mountain & The Moon
Noon — Rogue River
1:00pm — (Workshop/Lunch Break)
2:00 — Hot October
3:00 — Circle R Boys
4:00 — Brookdale Bluegrass Band
5:00 — (Workshop/Dinner Break)
6:00 — The Jones Gang
7:00 — Bodie 601 Band
8:00 — Sidesaddle & Co
9:00 — High Country
Dance Hall Stage
10:30pm — Honeysuckle Possums
SUNDAY, August 13
Main Stage
9:00am — Crying Uncle
10:00 — Dark Hollow (Gospel Plus)
11:00 — Old Belle
Noon — Stoney Mountain Ramblers
12:45pm — (Lunch Break)
1:15 — Kids On Stage
2:15 — AJ Lee & Blue Summit
3:15 — Courthouse Ramblers
4:15 — Pathetic Honey String Band