Two Area Bluegrass Radio Stations Featured In Almanac Newspaper Coverage

Two Peninsula-area radio broadcasters that feature bluegrass music were included in an article about local non-commercial radio stations in the Menlo Park Almanac newspaper. Both KKUP-Cupertino and KZSU-Stanford have significant bluegrass programming. The full article is here:

All ears: Tune in to these 8 noncommercial Peninsula radio stations – The Almanac

KKUP has several bluegrass radio shows, including Monday Night Bluegrass, 6:00-9:00pm every Monday since 1980.  The show has different hosts each week, with the Northern California Bluegrass Society Board’s Mike Russell & Michael Hall hosting live bands on the second Monday each month. The article has photos of October 14’s musical guests, The Johnny Campbell Band, and of Russell at the microphone and Lars Bourne doing sound. Bourne is also the MNB show host on the third Mondays.

KZSU has the “That’s Not Bluegrass” show every Wednesday, Noon-2:00pm with Sarah Bellum, who is better known as NCBS Board Member Lois Kellerman. She has been hosting her program on the station since 1998.

Mike Russell at the KKUP mic (Photo: Anna Hoch-Kenney, Menlo Park Almanac).