Plenty Of Fun NCBS Bluegrass Events Over The Rest Of May

There will be plenty of great bluegrass the rest of this month. Here is a list of the official Northern California Bluegrass Society events:


11 — Wildcat Mountain Ramblers, Summit House, Los Gatos. (NCBS-welcomed)

18 — Hidden Still, Summit House, Los Gatos. (NCBS-welcomed)

19-21 — Berkeley Bluegrass Festival, With Laurie Lewis, Lonesome Heartstring Band,  & more, Freight & Salvage, Berkeley. (NCBS-welcomed)

20 — Bluegrass at the Redwood City 150th Anniversary Celebration With 27strings & The Stoney Mountain Ramblers, Main Street Stage at Broadway, Redwood City. FREE. (NCBS-welcomed)

25 — Sagebrush, Summit House, Los Gatos. (NCBS-welcomed)

27-29 — Pick & Gather Festival With The Brookdale Bluegrass Band & more, Riverdance Farms, Livingston. (NCBS-welcomed) (Note new dates)