NCBS Welcomes Historic California Bluegrass Association Pride Parade Float To San Francisco On June 25

The Northern California Bluegrass Society will welcome the historic California Bluegrass Association Bluegrass Pride Float in the San Francisco LGBTQ Pride Parade on Sunday, June 25, 2017 on Market Street in San Francisco.

The CBA entry will feature live bluegrass bands on the float and a Marching Unit Open To Bluegrass Fans of any sexual orientation. A bluegrass jam will follow the parade.

The purpose of the parade entry is to welcome everyone to enjoy bluegrass music in Northern California.

A Go Fund Me page is raising money to pay for the parade entry.

The CBA float is the world’s first known bluegrass entry in anyΒ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Pride Parade.

Bluegrass Today Coverage

NCBS welcomes the CBA Bluegrass Pride Parade float.